When my son, Brian, came to visit a few weeks ago I needed his help to make something I had been thinking about. I needed a daybed for the studio. A place where I could sit and read or even nap in the fall and winter. I also wanted another guest bed. I decided to build a platform high enough to slide large storage totes under and also high enough so that is not apparent that it is only a platform with a innerspring mattress sitting on top. I had purchased 7 yards of navy poly-blend fabric at Fabric Mart for a dollar a yard. Rather than have to worry with hemming, I tore the yardage down the length of the fold resulting in 14’ of fabric. I used the selvage as a finished edge. We made the platform with 1” strand board which I had cut to length and width at Lowe’s. We (Brian) cut an 8’ length of fir post into 18” legs which we lag bolted onto the platform. We then covered the platform in batting to pad the edges of the board. That was stapled onto the platform followed by the fabric for the “bed skirt” which I attached making 2” folds every few inches and stapled in place. We put the bed against the wall and loft railing to serve as a backrest for the pillows. I had made a quilt for the bed in my guest room when I was living in the apartment. I have lots of fabric left from the quilt so I used scraps to make pillows and a pillow case to match the quilt. I also used some of the fabric to make a cafe’ curtain and valance for the window in the studio.
Somewhere in the attic dormers is a body pillow. I want to cover that with another piece of coordinating fabric. Oh, the white coverlet on the bed is a vintage coverlet that my mother gave me years ago. I love the way this little corner looks right now and I cannot wait for the weather to turn cool and blustery. I think I have the perfect spot for a Saturday afternoon nap!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Another project!
Results from the Friday Night Sew-in
My goal this week (which tied in beautifully with the sew-in) was to finally get this quilt top finished. I started this quilt about 3 years ago and began collecting “Chocolat” fabric. I collected this line much as I collected “Vienna Nights”. I could not turn away from a piece if I saw it in a shop. I bought some on line. I bought some from another quilter. Last year when they had the great sale at Fabric Mart I found more…so I bought it! The quilt is queen-size and even with making the quilt top, two shams and valances for my bedroom windows, I still have yards of fabric. Today I am going join my S3 group and ask them to help me decide which piece of yardage I should use to make a bed skirt. After the bed skirt I will still have enough for the quilt back, pillow cases and a few throw pillows.
I am determined to have this quilted and on my bed for the fall. Wish me luck!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Friday Night Sew In

Friday, July 23, 2010
New item for Hazelnut Hill
I have made several beach bags in the past month for customers and have one left in inventory. If you are interested, pop over to Hazelnut Hill.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Remember me?
Wondering if I still have any followers out there?! It has been so long since I posted but I have so little going on in the studio since the weather got hot. The studio is unbearably warm right now. I went up briefly a couple of days ago to get some supplies so that I can work downstairs for a while. The heat was overpowering! Thank goodness I have a window fan drawing some of the heat out of the space. I cannot imagine how hot it would be without that fan.
Emily came for two weeks and I loved having her here with me. She really enjoyed her sewing and cooking camps. Thank goodness I have a sister who is a wonderful teacher and loves children!
The rain is falling today – great buckets of it and it is wonderful! It is gray, cool and reminds me of Seattle. I will have something to show you next post. I am determined to sew something today!