This one is quilted and now just needs to be bound. I found a fat quarter of the orange floral last weekend and fell in love! I love the shade of orange and for some reason it just said "fall" to me. I had the other fabrics in my stash. I am pleased with the quilting - especially the feathers. I just need to trim, bind and get into the washer & dryer.
This one is sandwiched and ready to be quilted. Yes, I cheat and spray baste. I really dislike having to unpin as I quilt. I purchased only the gold basket weave fabric and the orange fabric. I love using stash!
A couple of months ago I picked up a charm pack of Rouenneries from French General. I love the colors but had absolutely no idea what I was going to do with just 1 charm pack. (For the life of me I don't know why I only picked up one!) I decided to make a table runner. The quilting on this one isn't anything to write home to granny about but it is finished - totally - and that makes me happy. It will probably end up on my dining room table.
We stopped in at Burkholder's Fabric yesterday and I picked up some really pretty autumn "flavored" fabrics that will be more table runners. Those I will sell. I have flimsies of 6 Christmas table runners that just need to be quilted. Good thing I am in the mood to sew!
Hope you are having a great weekend. The weather here in southeastern Pennsylvania is just about perfect!