I appliquéd! Yes, it is raw edge which may be "cheating" for some but I like it. I found the pattern for the floral design on the internet (but don't remember where). I thought about adding stitches for dimension but decided against it. I outline quilted the design with two rounds of stitching and then I stippled (small meander) the pillow top to make the design "pop" a bit. The appliqué is secured with a blanket stitch. So far, two pillows from scraps and I still have bags of pastel scraps to make more!
While I was in Virginia for Easter I spent a lot of time with these people
and an inordinate amount of time with this guy
Returning home was difficult and I miss my grandchildren (and their parents!) more than they will ever know. I think I will console myself with some studio therapy this weekend. I have some pretties on my cutting table!!