Saturday, December 11, 2010

I have a whole lot of nothing!

I had such good intentions. I was going to sew all night for the "Friday Night Sew-In". Instead, I went out for dinner at Boca di Beppo, had two of these

Photo credit
and you can guess the rest. I would feel badly about it except that the food was terrific, the conversation was outstanding and the wine was...well, the wine was pretty darned tasty!

It is 6:45am in my little corner of the world. I already have the sewing machine turned on, the iron is heating up and there are lots of strips of fabric on my cutting board. I just made a pot of coffee and put a load of laundry in the washer and one in the dryer. There are no other distractions. I am ready to sew!!

I hope you have a wonderful and productive day!


  1. Oh...sounds like you had a nice evening and now are ready for a terrific day...see what a good evening can do??

  2. Maybe we should have a Saturday Sew In. I too spent the evening with my DH enjoying "US" time.

  3. Sounds like you had a wonderful Friday night to me. I would have enjoyed this Friday night sew-in with you.



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