Friday, October 28, 2011


This afternoon I am driving to the White Oak Bed & Breakfast in Lancaster County to retreat with Nancy and 8 other quilters.  My clothing is packed, my chair is packed and I have 10 projects packed just in case I get a bad case of "quilters ADD"!

I have never been on a quilt retreat without my sister so I am both excited and a little bit nervous.  Sure hope they like me!


  1. I'm sooo jealous! Have a great time!

  2. Sounds like so much fun! Of course they'll like you!!!!!

  3. How could they not like you? You're talented and lovely. What's not to like?

    By the way, I recieved the bag and it's gorgeous. I am, once again, the envy of the ladies!!
    Serously, beautiful job Suzan.

  4. Okay...snow I know you got some great snow story to share. Start spilling it.


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