taxes are nearly done. What? It's the day before the deadline? Yep - no waiting until the last minute for me!! Every year it takes me just about 90 minutes to do my taxes and every year I put it off as long as I possibly can. I don't know why. I am getting a refund as I always do. I know that I don't owe them anything and yet I procrastinate. It really is the way I roll...worry about something for 3 or 4 months, finally do whatever it is and then say to myself - "That wasn't so bad. Why didn't you do it earlier?" (I have many long conversations with myself. Just ask the poor souls walking past me in the grocery store.)
Yesterday when I should have been compiling my tax info I made a quilted tote bag instead. And went to a wedding. I had actually planned to make a skirt to wear to said wedding but could not find shoes I liked and promptly tossed the skirt fabric back into a bag. Here's the bag
Cute, huh? I love this new fabric line from Moda called "Simple Marks" by Malka Dubrawsky. I bought a charm pack and added some pretty batik fabric. The tote is bright and fun.
Sometimes you just need a quick sewing "fix"...and it was so much more fun than doing taxes!!