Sunday, August 9, 2009

You know you are getting old when

you can tell the weather by how your body feels!  Yesterday I started with a low backache.  I had not done anything out of the ordinary so I knew it wasn’t a back strain.  Then my toes started aching.  I knew what that meant…BIG rain on the horizon.  This morning it is absolutely pouring here.  Goodness knows we can use the rain so I am not complaining.  I just wish my back wasn’t!

I made a quick trip up the road to a quilt shop yesterday looking for some lining fabric for a purse.  I found exactly what I was looking for on the flat fold table.  I love the flat folds at Martin’s ($2.98 a yard).  There is some junky fabric there so you have to dig a little but they always have Kona Bay, P&B Textiles and Marcus Brothers.  I found something I had never seen on the table – MODA!!  Whoo hoo!!  IMG_7149

It’s from an old line, Country Paths, and I think it will be gorgeous in a quilt or in a large tote bag.  (I am so ready for fall.)

I sent out my blocks for the 9-patch swap priority mail so that they would get to Sammamish, Washington by Tuesday or Wednesday.  I can’t wait to see what I get back in the mail.  I sashed all the blocks that I have so far and I think the quilt is going to be really pretty.  Any kind of scrap quilt is a little scary for me but I am learning to adapt.  I love reading other quilter’s blogs and seeing what they are doing with scraps and scrap quilts.  I always thought they looked great when someone else did them but had no confidence on my own.  I think that is why I love doing fabric exchanges on retreat with S4.  It makes me a little uneasy when we start but I am always so happy with the results!

After my sister gets back from “late church” this morning we are going to run out to Joann’s and take advantage of some of the Founder’s Day specials.  BOGO on fusible interfacing?  I am there!!


  1. Love the fabric, and I KNOW what you mean by weather related aches. I think my body knows what's going to happen before I do. Thank God for aspirin and ibuprofen!
    be blessed,

  2. I totally agree with you, I had to lay down yesterday afternoon with a rains comin' migraine and then by 9pm when it had past, I was fine.

    Weird, how that is.

    Love your fabric! That is a lovely piece...makes me think of Tuscany.

  3. I was going to write a cheesy haiku about growing older, but couldn't come up with a third, and final, line. I am so with you on the aches and pains.

  4. That fabric is going to make a great bag.
    I always know when there's a storm on the way as I get a headache that wont quit no matter what I take for it.

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  5. Great score with the fabric . Unfortunately I am a "weather predictor" too , lol !

  6. That fabric is gorgeous! Getting old certainly isn't for sissies as they say. So many of my ailments are affected by the weather too and it isn't fun. We've had nothing but rain this summer - I'd gladly send some your way.


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