Thursday, October 25, 2012

Just a little show and tell

These are the ones in which I have inserted the pillow forms.  There are lots more that a simply pillow covers.  They range in size from 12x12 to 12x16.

I may actually use up all the "Peace on Earth", "Grace", "Glace'" and "Roman Holiday" 3 Sisters fabric that I have been hoarding!


  1. Those are gorgeous. I have some of those fabrics so you have given me some inspiration.

  2. What a pretty plethora of pillows. Great job!

    (Im sure plethora is the technical term for a herd of pillows - perhaps someone can enlighten me if it isnt ?)

  3. I love your fabric choices - really lovely to look at - well done!

  4. Why aren't you showing these off at linky parties Suzan?
    They're absolutely gorgeous!


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