Good thing I am up here early in the morning because after 9, this room turns into a sweat box. I have ceiling fan and a fan in the window to exhaust the hot air. You KNOW it is hot when your eyes burn because the sweat is running into them. (How's that for graphic?!?) Seriously, would it have killed the former owner to install duct work when he COMPLETELY reframed the house? A little central air conditioning would go a long way towards making me a much happier woman.
Sorry. I will now quit moaning and groaning. I love having Ms. Em here. We have done manicures, pedicures, make overs, weeded the garden, spray painted wicker chairs for the front porch, gone to the library, gone to the park and that was all in the first 2 days! I am thinking the museum would be a good place to visit today (since they have air conditioning) and then maybe out for dinner tonight. Tomorrow is the pool and then the movies. Every morning Em is taking a sewing class so we have not sewn anything together yet. My sister pre-cut all the fabric and gave her a Happy Jack quilt pattern for Christmas so we still need to put that together. So much to do and so little time.
Hope you are staying cool wherever you are!