Monday, June 18, 2012

More storage for the fabric hoard

Yesterday I went to Target and picked up this

On the outside of the box it was noted that it was a "team lift" item which means it weighs a freaking TON!  A very nice man loaded it in my basket and then another very nice man put it in my car.  Unfortunately, there is not a nice man at my house so I had to figure out how to get it out of the car and up the steps of the front porch.  I opened the lift gate on my Sportage slowly and let the box fall out against my hip.  Then I slid it down my legs until it was on the ground.  I zig zig inched it over the sidewalk and dropped it against the porch steps.  I pushed it from the bottom and then wrestled with it to get the box upright so that I could drop it into the house.  Since it was going to the 3rd floor, I knew I needed a better plan.  I opened the box in the middle of the living room floor and started pulling out boards.  I carried 2 boards at a time up two flights of steps until all the pieces were in the studio.  Then I put it myself...swearing intermittently.

I really need to convince one of my sons to move closer to his mother!


  1. LOL yes we can do it ourselves!!!! YAY!!

  2. wow!! sounds like a lot of work...but I am sure you will be happy with is once you get over the pains of moving it !! LOL

  3. Well, no need to worry about lack of exercise yesterday! I hope you didn't pull a muscle or strain anything. I know those boxes are HEAAAAAA-VVYYYY! You are woman, hear you roar! Good job. If something needs done, we women get it done.

  4. You GO, girl!!! You did GREAT!!


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