Wednesday, November 28, 2007


The past week is a blur...lots of preparation for the arrival of my sons and their families, lots of cooking, lots of eating and lots of shopping! It was wonderful having all of them here with me. My grandchildren are beautiful and brilliant and such a joy.

One of the things I was determined to do was finish the Pumpkin Glen wall hanging and I completed the last stitches of the binding on Wednesday morning. I am so pleased with the result. I decided to really free form quilt the panel and it honestly looks like the entire thing was pieced. Here's the completed panel and then a shot of my quilting. (Boy - do I need a decent camera or what?!?)

I am now so far behind with the "quilt along" but I am determined to cut and sew two squares tonight in order to catch up. I am feeling pretty intimidated by the number of projects I need to finish by Christmas. I think I will resolve to set aside time every month next year to work on Chrismas related projects so that I don't end up with a huge stack of things left to complete at year end. My problem is that I get distracted by something new and then I end up with 20 WIPs and I start to panic. I really wish I had some kind of self control!

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry about being behind with things. I've only just started on a BOM that began in January.

    love and hugs xxx


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