Monday, August 18, 2008

Anniversary coming up!

My "Blogoversary" is next week! I can barely believe I have been subjecting you to my blogging for nearly a year.

What shall I give away? Fabric, patterns, jewelry, notions? Maybe a basket of goodies? I am giddy with excitement!

Please be sure to check back near the end of next week. (I will start tempting you on Monday, 8/25.)


  1. Just think - the more you give away the less you have to move!!!

  2. "What shall I give away? Fabric, patterns, jewelry, notions? Maybe a basket of goodies?"

    How about all of the above - lol.

  3. Suzan, was reading your blog suppose to be a burdern (?) it never felt that way to me! Hmmmmmmm what to give away (?) wellll I am sure it will be grand, when you decide ;>)!!

  4. I'll be back to check out the goods.Maybe even be lucky enough to win

  5. Make it jewelry..big earrings and send them my way...I just know I will win.

    Congratus on hanging in with this blogging adventure.



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