Thursday, April 24, 2008

A cutting fool

Since I embarrassed myself and showed you my cluttered studio (And, by the way, I didn't open the closet door for a reason!) I am not going to show you what I have done to my dining room table. Between cutting scraps into strips and blocks and squares, I have been cutting all the reproduction fabric I purchased for my sister's birthday present. I do not have the decor that lends itself to quilts made from reproduction fabric (or feed sacks or primitives or plaids or Thimbleberry), however, my sister's decor is perfect for the repro fabric. I am using Bonnie's Ohio Stars quilt pattern. Since I didn't have anything remotely scrappy that I could use, I have had to make scraps with 1/4 yard cuts of lots of fabrics. I am really getting tired of cutting fabric!

There is an art quilt display at Berks Campus of Penn State. S4 is going to view the display and then go out for dinner tonight. The display features the quilts of Jane Blair. If you have never seen her incredible quilts, check out her website. You will be amazed at both the diversity in quilt subjects and creative ability of this woman.

Back to work...bummer...


  1. I was supposed to cut my crap up before moving...yeah, that's just not happening!!

  2. I had some time to read your blog today.I love the "thingamabob" under the sewing machine.That's a fantastic convenient space. You are quite a busy lady, "slaving at the hot sewing machine". I must use that line with Jeff sometime. As far as the sewing room goes, at least you have things out where you can get to them.


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