I am in the studio this morning. I was just looking at the little squares and little triangles I cut for the mystery quilt. There are a
lot of little squares and little triangles!! I am drinking my second cup of coffee - Colombian beans with sugar-free French Vanilla International Foods creamer. Yummy. The wind outside is howling...seriously! I think with the wind chill it feels like 1 degree. I know that for many of you that read this blog, that kind of temperature is the norm in winter. In SE Pennsylvania it is not!
I am waiting for Bonnie Hunter to get outta bed and post the next set of directions for the mystery. The reason I want her to do this is the REAL mystery. These are little pieces, folks. I don't do little pieces!! Well, in for a penny, in for a pound. Bring it, Bonnie - bring it!!
(BTW - Happy New Year!!)
Hi Suzan this is sandee I tried to e-mail the website but it didn't work. Hope this does
Hello Suzan, Bonnie has part two up on her web site. You aren't going to like it!!! Sandee