Nancy tagged me. Here are the rules:
1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Post THE RULES on your blog.
3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog.
4. Tag 7 people and link to them.
5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.
OK - if you know me, you know I hate rules. I am choosing 5 women in my blog ring:
Cathy and
Connie. If any of you guys have been tagged lately, please ignore (and forgive me!) Please don't feel obligated to play along.
Stuff about me:
1. I am an Army brat and my very favorite place we were ever stationed was Fort Riley, Kansas.
2. My eyes are aqua. Not blue, not green...aqua.
3. The only foreign country I have ever visited is Japan and that was 51 years ago. I have been to Canada but I didn't need a passport (and they speak English) so that doesn't count as a foreign land in my book!
4. I have been driving for 39 years and I have never had a speeding ticket...not because I don't speed. I just haven't been stopped yet!
5. I love Limberger cheese and I don't care how bad it smells.
6. My favorite vacation spot is Holden Beach in North Carolina. It is a great family beach.
7. I only recently found out that my mother really wanted to name me Suzanne but my last name was so long she just named me Suzan. All my life, I thought she picked my name off a tombstone. I swear!!
I hope I never get tagged again. I can't keep thinking of new things about myself to share!